Saturday, November 22, 2008

Research Sources - Gazateers

24. Abate, Frank R. Omni Gazetteer of the United States of America: A Guide to 1,500,000 Place Names in the United States and Territories. 11 vols. Detroit, Mich.: Omnigraphics, Inc., , 1991.

The names listed in this book can be schools, locales, historic places, streams, cemeteries, etc. It provides the county in which it is located, USGS Map, Latitude and Longitude coordinates, sources and other data.

25. Gordon, Thomas F. A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania 1832. Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1999.

This source had name, location, description, number of dwellings, stores, taverns, population. Some of the older names are no longer the same. An example of a listing: "Hillsboro, West Bethlehem Twp Washington Co on the national road midway between Washington borough and Brownsville, 11 miles from each. It is built on a single street contains from 20 - 30 dwellings, 4 stores and 4 taverns and 160 inhabitants. It is elevated 1750 ft above tide water, 917 above the Monongahela at Brownsville and 1002 feet above the Ohio at Wheeling." This town is now called Scenery Hill. Good way to find old names and places.

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