I spent Sunday in the Beallsville Cemetery and Taylor cemetery taking as many photos of tombstones as I could before the battery on my digital camera gave out (got in about 300 photos). This should give me some more things to work on getting loaded on to the website this winter. I am hoping to make another trip down before winter however, my classes start this week and I'm not sure how much more time I will have before the snow flies to get back to Washington.
I re-took several photos in Beallsville that were either not of good quality the first time, had new dates and names added since the last time I was there, or that I was missing for some reason.
I also spent some time in Taylor Cemetery using the 1976 listing of burials as my guide and started at the beginning of row 1 taking photos. I actually found the listing to be quite acurate in terms of the order of burials in the rows. It is also good to know that the listing was done 33 years ago because some of the stones are no longer legible, have been damaged by the elements or are missing.
I have posted several new Taylor tombstone photos to the website so please check them out.